Coconut Oil and your health
Coconut oil during pregnancy and infancy A daily dose of coconut oil is beneficial during pregnancy,

Coconut oil for weight loss.
In one tablespoon of coconut oil, you get 13 grams of fat, 11 grams of which are saturated.

Coconut Chocolate Bars with Almond
These are reminiscent of Almond joy bars. They would be truly unique treat for Halloween

Coconut Oil Increases Metabolism and Decreases Body Fat.
Coconut oil is one of nature’s most abundant sources of medium-chain fatty acids,

Essential Fatty Acids Are Necessary For Good Health
To be healthy and avoid deficiency disease, you must get all the nutrients your body needs.

Hair care with coconut oil
Coconut oil will cleanse and strengthen your hair, giving it a natural shine and beautiful condition.

How much coconut oil should I take?
If you want to start taking coconut oil every day for your general health and well-being,

Coconut Cocoa
Ingredients 1 tablespoon melted virgin coconut oil 1 tablespoon cocoa powder Pinch Himalayan salt ¼ teaspoon organic whole

Skincare with Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil Pre–Shaving Lotion Pure virgin coconut oil on its own makes a great lotion